This year has presented the auto insurance industry with more challenges than ever before. Covid-19 has cast a long shadow, disrupting many industries and raising questions about the way auto insurance will continue to operate in a Post-Covid age. The industry will have to embrace these changes now to survive.

Alongside this, the pace of technology is only increasing, as new autonomous/electric vehicles, telematics, data analytics and InsurTech continue to rewrite and streamline processes. The industry must seek out the tools to employ these technologies efficiently and profitably if it is to adapt to the ‘new normal’.

Seize the future of auto insurance before it’s too late. Develop Carrier-OEM-supply chain collaboration, integrate cutting-edge insurtech and streamline your claims processes with seamless customer interaction and effective driver data management: Only at Auto Insurance Europe Virtual (October 6th and 7th).

Auto Insurance Europe: Where 1000+ industry leaders congregate to write the future of Auto Insurance. Senior executives from across the board are congregating to strategise and problem-solve: 2 days packed full of networking and talks, direct to your computer from the comfort of your home.

Senior auto insurance speakers from:

  • Generali

  • AXA

  • Ageas

  • Aviva

AND more to be announced. Register for free now:

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