Sharks in IT / Tech Summit събира лидерите в информационните технологии Изпълнителните директори и топ-мениджъри от най-големите IT компании ще вземат участие в наближаващото събитие Sharks in IT/ Tech Summit, организиран от b2b Media. Форумът ще е на 30 май 2017 година в София Тех парк. Лидерите на IT сектора ще разкрият своите визии за бъдещето. Ще бъдат презентирани някои от най-мащабните проекти на най-прогресивните компании в технологичната сфера. Ранните регистрации са отворени до 10 май 2017. Регистрирайте се сега! Местата са ограничени. За контакти: 0897885408 Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите. Основните теми на събитието включват:
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The View from the Top |
30-th of May 2017 Sofia, Bulgaria Top companies and executives reveal: How can we make a difference! In 2016 several forums by b2b Media discussed the impact of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This year we focus on responsive and responsible leadership in IT, where decision-makers work together. More than ever, technology is at the heart of societal and business disruption. Each day we are presented with the immense opportunities that technological and business model innovations bring. We now zoom in on how this affects employment, business models, start-up communities, etc. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration the real progress can be made to bring these issues to the forefront and to ultimately make 2017 a revolutionary year and we should make sure that everyone benefits from the amazing opportunities of digital technology, leaving no one behind on the journey to realizing digital maturity! The Forum will boast some of the technology leaders offering use cases, best practices, challenges to face, successes to be had and lessons to learn. It will draw together a wide range of key stakeholders, thought leaders, IT experts, CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, Project managers and Program managers... *** Over the years, b2b Media has hosted senior-level delegates from Top IT organizations. *** The Agenda 8:00 Light Breakfast and Registration 08:55 Chairperson Overview 09:00 Forecast the Future - technology leader's discussion 09:30 Manage, Manipulate and Discover Big Data & Cloud 10:00 Generating Impact Through Analytics Leadership 10:30 Morning Coffee Break - Exhibition Area 11:00 Data Intelligence 11:30 Personalization and Optimization 12:00 IoT - Thinking Differently to Connect What Matters 12:30 - Lunch 14:00 Where Artificial Intelligence Meets Human Intelligence 14:30 Meet the Robots: AI and Machine Learning 15:00 Managing and Growing Data at Cloud Scale 15:30 Afternoon Coffee Break - Exhibition Area 16:00 Digitalization, Innovation, Next concepts, VR 16:30 Bridging the Gap Between Technology, Product and Business 17:00 Technology and Business Collaboration: Lessons Learned 17:30 - Networking Session *** Register now! |